Indiana Labor Market Review
December Data - February Reporting

Economic Growth Region 2
Statistical Data Report for December 2022, Released February 2023
State Unemployment and Unemployment
Unemployment rates were higher in December in 7 states, lower in 5 states, and stable in 38 states and the District of Columbia, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported. Thirty-five states and the District had jobless rate decreases from a year earlier, 4 states had increases, and 11 states had little change.
The national unemployment rate edged down to 3.5 percent over the month and was 0.4 percentage point lower than in December 2021.
Nonfarm payroll employment decreased in 1 state and was essentially unchanged in 49 states and the District of Columbia in December 2022. Employment decreased in West Virginia (-9,700, or -1.4 percent).
Over the year, nonfarm payroll employment increased in 42 states and was essentially unchanged in 8 states and the District. The largest job increases occurred in Texas (+650,100), California (+621,400), and Florida (+440,000). The largest percentage increase occurred in Texas (+5.0 percent), followed by Florida (+4.8 percent) and Oregon (+4.2 percent).

Economic Growth Region (EGR) 2
Elkhart, Fulton, Kosciusko, Marshall and St. Joseph Counties

Unemployment Rates by State (Seasonally Adjusted): December 2022
U.S. – 3.5%
Illinois – 4.7%
Indiana – 3.1%
Kentucky – 4.0%
Michigan – 4.3%
Ohio – 4.2%
Unemployment Rank by County (of 92 Counties): December 2022
#13 – St. Joseph (2.9%)
#40 – Fulton (2.6%)
#23 – Marshall (2.6%)
#27 – Elkhart (2.5%)
#40 – Kosciusko (2.4%)
Unemployment Claims:
December 2022
Initial Claims
12/03/22 – 1,006
12/10/22 – 633(D)
12/17/22 – 552
12/24/22 – 889
12/31/22 – 910
Continued Claims
12/03/22 – 2,752
12/10/22 – 1,892
12/17/22 – 1,829
12/24/22 – 3,348
12/31/22 – 2,293
Total Claims
12/03/22 – 3,758
12/10/22 – 2,525
12/17/22 – 2,381
12/24/22 – 4,237
12/31/22 – 3,203
State of Indiana
Initial Claims
12/03/22 – 6,168
12/10/22 – 6,168
12/17/22 – 4,545
12/24/22 – 5,591
12/31/22 – 6,682
Continued Claims
12/03/22 – 26,097
12/10/22 – 21,595
12/17/22 – 23,043
12/24/22 – 29,901
12/31/22 – 30,735
Total Claims
12/03/22 – 32,265
12/10/22 – 27,763
12/17/22 – 27,588
12/24/22 – 35,492
12/31/22 – 37,417

Producer prices for final demand increased 6.2 percent from December 2021 to December 2022
Producer prices for final demand increased 6.2 percent from December 2021 to December 2022. This price increase was smaller than the December 2020 to December 2021 increase (10.0 percent).

Over the year ended December 2022, producer prices for final demand goods rose 8.0 percent. This increase reflects a 14.3-percent increase in producer prices for final demand foods, a 9.1-percent increase in producer prices for final demand energy, and a 6.0-percent increase in producer prices for final demand goods less foods and energy.
Producer prices for final demand services rose 5.0 percent over the year ended December 2022. This increase reflects an 8.7-percent increase in producer prices for final demand trade services, a 10.8-percent increase in producer prices for final demand transportation and warehousing services, and a 2.5-percent increase in producer prices for final demand services less trade, transportation, and warehousing.
Producer prices for final demand construction rose 18.5 percent.
These data are from the Producer Price Indexes program and are not seasonally adjusted. To learn more, see “Producer Price Indexes — December 2022.” Producer price indexes measure prices U.S. producers receive for goods, services, and construction. All producer price data are subject to revision in each month after initial publication before becoming final 4 months after initial publication. Also see charts related to the latest “U.S. Producer Price Indexes” news release.
Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, The Economics Daily, Producer prices for final demand increased 6.2 percent from December 2021 to December 2022 at https://www.bls.gov/opub/ted/2023/producer-prices-for-final-demand-increased-6-2-percent-fromdecember-2021-to-december-2022.htm (visited January 26, 2023).
County Unemployment Rates
December 2022

Indiana Non-Seasonally Adjusted Rate: 2.4%
Indiana Seasonally Adjusted Rate: 3.1%
Source: DWD, Local Area Unemployment Statistics

Please contact the DWD Representative below:
Kathy Jaworski
Regional Labor Analyst
Research and Analysis
All information reported was provided by the Indiana Department of Workforce Development. The Indiana Labor Market Review is published monthly and can be obtained by contacting your DWD Representative